
After registration, we will send hiking information to your e-mail - where to come, what to wear... You do not need special equipment to participate. The instruments and safety equipment needed for the hike are provided by us. If you still have questions, we will be happy to answer 5340 2462.

Event set
Fatbike rattamatk Taevaskojas
Fatbiking tour in Taevaskoja
10.01.2025 12:00
Hinnas on matkajuhi teenus, kondimootoriga fatbike ratas kasvule alates 150 cm, rattakiiver, instruktaaž. Distants 15-20 km
Fatiga on mõnus! Taevaskoja metsarajad kutsuvad sõitma. Lisaks sõidurõõmule fatbike rattal läheme koos toreda matkajuhiga avastama Suurt Taevaskoda aga ka vähem teada Oosemägie ja Kivipalumäge. Metsarajad on siin vallatud, kurvilised ja mägised. Saame valida teekonna vastavalt teie võimekusele ja soovidele. Matk sobib kõigile, kel pikkust vähemalt 150 cm ning annab mõnusa füüsilise koormuse igale osalejale. Paksurattalise rattaga on mõnus sõita metsaradadel, maastikul ja lumelgi. Kui kalorite kaotamine Sulle muret ei valmista ja kaunis loodus kutsub, siis pane end kirja, ja sõber kaa. Matka alguspunkti täpsed kordinaadid saadame broneeringu kinnitusega koos meili teel.
Price includes tour guide services, fatbike for height starting 150 cm, helmet, instruction. Distance 15-20 km
The forest trails of Taevaskoja (Heavenly Place) invite you to ride. There is a lot to discover here. We can see well-known sandstone outcrops such as Suur Taevaskoda (Great Heavens Hall), as well as lesser-known Oosemägi and Kivipalumägi. The forest trails here are wild, winding and mountainous. We can choose a route according to your ability and wishes. The hike is suitable for anyone with a height of at least 150 cm and provides a pleasant physical exercise for every participant. Most of the stories will be in Estonian in case there are foreigners in a group, the guide can share some of the information in English. We will send the exact coordinates of the starting point of the hike by email with the reservation confirmation.
Fat bikes
2.5 h
Puhka Looduses