
After registration, we will send hiking information to your e-mail - where to come, what to wear... You do not need special equipment to participate. The instruments and safety equipment needed for the hike are provided by us. If you still have questions, we will be happy to answer 5340 2462.

Event set
Tõukekelgumatk Taevaskojas
Kick-sledging in Taevaskoja
23.02.2025 11:00
Hinnas on matkajuhi teenus, tõukekelk, kuum tee, vajadusel jäätallad ja -naasklid. Distants ca 6 km

Kauni, lumise ilma korral viib retkejuht teid teid talvisele Taevaskoja võlumaale. Liugleme mööda tuntud Viimse Reliikvia radasid. Teeme tutvust teele jäävaga - kuklaste pesad, loomade jäljed, liivakivipaljandid - ka need kõige tuntumad - Väike ja Suur Taevaskoda. Räägime legende, aga kindlasti ka tänapäevaseid lugusid. Matk sobib kõigile, kel tavapärane lumes liikumine raskusi ei valmista. Teele jääb nii tõuse, kui vallatuid laskumisi. Pisemad lapsed saavad kaasa kulgeda kelgu ees olevatel istmetel. Koguneme Taevaskoja matkaradade parklas. Täpse info saadame kõigile registreerujatele e-kirja teel. *Kui ilmataat matkapäeval kelgusõitu ei soovi, siis saame asenduseks pakkuda räätsamatka või fatbike matka. Saame ka broneeringu sobivale päevale edasi lükata.


Price includes tour guide services, kick-sledge, hot tea, ice cleats and ice claws if necessary. Distance ca 6 km.

The hiking guide will take you to the winter wonderland of the Taevaskoja. We glide along the tracks of the famous Estonian movie "Last Relic". Let's get acquainted with what is on the way - the nests of ants, animal tracks, sandstone outcrops - also the most well-known ones. We tell legends as well as modern stories. There are both ups and smooth downhill on the way. The hike is suitable for anyone who does not find it difficult to move in the snow. Smaller children can go along on the seats in front of the sled. Most of the stories will be in Estonian. In case there are more foreigners in a group, the guide can share some of the information in English. We will send detailed information to all registrants by e-mail. (In case you have more people in your group of foreigners, you can order a private tour.)

2.5 h
Puhka Looduses