
After registration, we will send hiking information to your e-mail - where to come, what to wear... You do not need special equipment to participate. The instruments and safety equipment needed for the hike are provided by us. If you still have questions, we will be happy to answer 5340 2462.

Event set
Kanuumatk Võhandu jõel, Leevi-Reo
Canoeing on Võhandu River
05.10.2023 12:00
Hinnas 2- või 3-kohaline kanuu, aer, päästevest, veekindel kott, instruktaaž, auto ja varustuse ümbervedu matka lõpp-punkti, kaldajulgestus. Distants 13 km
Matkal läbime Võhandu jõe kõige kärestikulisema ja kaunima lõigu. Matk sobib kõigile, kes on keskmise sportliku tasemega ning otsivad väikest adrenaliini kevadisest sulaveest ning silmailu tärkavast loodusest. Teekond kulgeb mööda Võhandu jõe ürgoru maastikukaitseala.
Täpse kokkusaamise koha info saadame kõigile registreerujatele e-kirja teel.
Price includes 2-3 seater canoe, oar, life jacket, instruction, removal of your vehicle and personal belongings to the end point, security on shore. Distance 13 km
On the hike, we cross the most rapid and beautiful section of the Võhandu river. The hike is suitable for those with an average level of fitness and looking for a little adrenaline and beauty of the spring nature. The route runs along the Võhandu river valley landscape protection area.
We will send the exact meeting place information to all registrants by e-mail.
3 h
Puhka Looduses