
After registration, we will send hiking information to your e-mail - where to come, what to wear... You do not need special equipment to participate. The instruments and safety equipment needed for the hike are provided by us. If you still have questions, we will be happy to answer 5340 2462.

Event set
Kanuumatk Ahja jõel Koorvere-Kiidjärve
Canoeing on Ahja river
05.10.2024 11:00
Hinnas 2- või 3-kohaline kanuu, aer, päästevest, veekindel kott, instruktaaž, auto ja varustuse ümbervedu matka lõpp-punkti, kaldajulgestus. Distants 11 km
Saadame teile broneeringu kinnituseks e-kirja matka alguspunkti kordinaatidega. Kohtume kokku lepitud matka alguse kellaajal. Esmalt korraldame sõidukite viimise lõppu - juhid sõidavad meie juhtauto järel lõpp-punkti ja siis meie autos tagasi. Seejärel toimub kõigile ühiselt juhendamine ja veeleminek. Matkajuht jõele kaasa ei tule. Saate liikuda oma seltskonnale sobivas tempos. Te ei pea teiste matkajatega koos aerutama. Matk toimub iga ilmaga. 
Price includes 2-3 seater canoe, oar, life jacket, instruction, removal of your vehicle and personal belongings to the end point, security on shore. Distance 11 km
We will send you an e-mail with the coordinates of the starting point of the hike to confirm your reservation. We will meet at the agreed starting time of the hike. First, we organize (in need) the transfer of the vehicles - the drivers follow our driver's car to the end point and then return in our car. After that the instructor shows everyone, how to paddle and how to drive a canoe like a professional. The hiking guide do not come with you to the river. Also, you don't have to paddle with other hikers. Every canoe team can choose own speed. The hike takes place in any weather.
2.5 h
Puhka Looduses